The Ninja Doctor Reveals...
“The Seventh Sense: The Secret Of The Warrior-Healer!”
Way Beyond What You Know Or Have Heard About The Sixth Sense …
The Treasured Secret The Ninja Masters
Didn’t Want You To Know …
Dear Friend,
I came home from the office and saw the same old thing.
I grabbed a seat on the couch, picked up the local newspaper and saw a front page headline about some poor soul who had been robbed, raped, kidnapped and killed.
Nearly everyone I meet seems to be worried or afraid for themselves or their loved ones.
Police departments are no longer in a position to “serve and protect.” They arrive at the scene to gather evidence and enforce the law AFTER someone has been attacked.
The thing is, hundreds, even thousands, of years ago folks were just as scared about their safety as they are now.
But, back then there was a small, secretive group of people in the Far East who decided they were not going to wait for something bad to happen to them. They were not waiting like a bunch of sitting ducks.
The leaders of this small community of people gathered their smartest and most athletic and sent them to faraway lands in ancient Japan, China, India, Tibet and Russia.
Over the years, these travelers would periodically return home to pass on to the community leaders what they learned about self defense and self protection.
Finally, secret training camps were created, hidden away in the Iga and Koga mountains of ancient Japan.
It was in these hidden training camps that men, women and children were trained in the finest and most effective martial arts skills in the world.
They were taught amazing armed and unarmed skills as well as psychological warfare tactics and battlefield tactics.
But, unbeknownst to these martial arts students, the Master Teachers were secretly taking the best and brightest to other locations to secretly teach them their most treasured secrets.
These secrets go far beyond the physical skills of
speed, strength and endurance.
These were skills that allowed the student to tap into the hidden and mysterious forces of Nature.
These treasured secrets allowed these special students to absorb and use the formless, undifferentiated energy that permeates all creation. These Ninja focused their attention and study on this invisible energetic force.
Only recently modern sciences such as Quantum Physics have identified this formless, undifferentiated energy that exists on Earth and in Outer Space, within matter and even in the “empty space” between subatomic particles such as protons, neutrons, electrons and Quarks.
The ancient martial art of Ninjutsu, has within it this super secret set of teachings that allows “those who know” to feel, absorb and use this undifferentiated energy, also called the Universal Life Force, or Chi (Chinese) or Ki/Hado (Japanese).
When the student becomes adept in the use of this Life Force Energy, the energy circuits in his brain and body become healthier and better able to carry and transport more energy.
This results not only in a dramatic increase in health, longevity and internal power, but new and powerful abilities naturally arise, such as the Seventh Sense.
The Seventh Sense is the Sixth Sense on Steroids!
Over the years, the Shinobi-Ninja warriors evolved to become Warrior-Healers because they were adept at absorbing and using the Universal Life Force in countless different ways.
They could sense and feel when their enemies were going to attack way before it happened, they could project energies to physically and psychologically unbalance their attackers, and they could cultivate and concentrate the Life Force Energy for healing illness and injury.
The most exciting part of all of this is that Master Teachers have continued to transmit this secret set of teachings to their most loyal and honorable students.
Even in these modern times, Ninja Warrior-Healers exist.
What is also very exciting is that today we are in the information age. This means that not only is there more electronic information but secrets that were long ago intensely guarded are now permitted to be more available.
During the more than two decades as a medical doctor and nearly 20 years as a martial arts student I have been blessed with Master Teachers willing to share some of the Treasured Secrets.
As is traditional in Japanese and Chinese martial arts, the Teacher reveals some secrets openly and some secrets in a way that only the most attentive students will “hear.”
For this reason, I have studied, researched and trained very hard to put together a system that I AM not only able to use but also teach.
Easy-to-understand and easy-to-apply techniques.
This system is called, Ninja Energy Secrets (vol.1). This is a DVD program chock full of easy-to-understand and easy-to-apply techniques for training your mind, body and spirit to develop the Seventh Sense.
As I said, when you are able to “feel,” absorb and use the Universal Life Energy that modern science has proven exists within and in the “empty space” between atoms and molecules, your own energy circuits will become healthier and stronger and better able to concentrate and transport energy within your body.
This results in a tremendous awakening of your hidden and latent abilities and powers. These are the legendary abilities and powers of the Shinobi Ninja Warrior-Healers.
Here is what most people have experienced from using Ninja Energy Secrets:
Beginners who are just starting to practice the easy-to-learn exercises have improved vitality, vigor and mental clarity almost immediately.
People who practice daily have a dramatic increase in stamina and endurance during daily activities at home and work and during physical exercise.
People who practice daily require less sleep at night in order to feel rested and alert.
Within a few days of daily practice, there is an increase in a person’s “presence” and charisma. Other people notice, especially the opposite sex, and show obvious attraction.
Regular practitioners have a noticeable increase in creativity at home and at work. New ideas appear in the mind almost like magic.
Most people report a dramatic increase in health. They get colds and flu much less often. Bumps, bruises and cuts heal much more quickly.
As people move along in the program, there is an amazing increase in their intuitive abilities.
Further in the program, practitioners can “read” others much more easily and effectively, regardless whether others are telling the truth or telling lies.
Regular practitioners can feel “sexual energy and attraction” directed at them. This is a huge advantage in the dating arena!
Regular practitioners feel as though they can tell the future. They know when someone is going to call or when someone is bringing good or bad news.
Martial artists and non-martial artists alike feel and avoid danger before it ever gets near them.
Further into the Ninja Energy Secrets program, driving a car becomes safer because the person is able to make herself “seen” or move others out of the way with “accumulated energy.”
Deeper into the program, everyone is able cultivate, concentrate and direct energy to heal illness and injury in their own bodies and others.
Deeper into the program, most people are able to move and direct their consciousness to “feel” and detect whether or not danger is lurking in another room in their homes, practically like a “mental periscope.”
When a person is able to move and direct their consciousness in and around familiar buildings, they move on to more distant locations, even hundreds or more miles away. (Sounds incredible, but it’s absolutely true!!)
In a martial art situation, regular practitioners are able to detect weaknesses in a potential attacker and use energy to “disrupt” a person psychologically, in order to cause confusion and fear, destroying their Will to win.
The really cool part of the Ninja Energy Secrets (vol.1) program is that you don’t have try real hard and work up a sweat.
All you have to do is relax, do the techniques, and the rest will happen automatically.
Watch the DVD all the way through first, and then play the DVD again, each chapter at a time, doing the exercises as they are shown.
The instructions are very detailed and easy-to-follow.
You don’t have to be a trained athlete or even in great shape to get dramatic results. No previous training in this area is required.
Even if you have never had any experience with cultivating and using the Universal Life Force Energy, with a relaxed attitude and regular practice you can have all the benefits I’ve stated and many more.
As a medical doctor and a martial artist, I want everyone to have a healthy and safe life for themselves and their loved ones. That is why I AM making Ninja Energy Secrets (vol.1) available.
For the same reasons, I am offering the Ninja Energy Secrets (vol.1) DVD program for the incredibly low price of $97. There are those who are shocked that I AM even revealing the information contained in Ninja Energy Secrets, let alone at this incredibly low price!
When you consider what it took for a small group of people to travel by foot through ancient Japan, China, India, Tibet and Russia to collect the finest martial art information in the world and when you consider that this information has traveled through time, thousands of years, you realize the information in Ninja Energy Secrets is priceless!
This doesn’t even include the 20 years that I studied, researched and trained thousands and thousands of hours to create this system of treasured secrets.
Today’s world is no different than it was for the people of the ancient Far East when this information was first gathered. It is the best of times and the worst of times.
You don’t have to have previous experience or be a trained athlete to get amazing results.
You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to decide and move to get Ninja Energy Secrets today! If you don’t get it for yourself, then get it for someone else you care deeply about.
I won’t guarantee that the price will remain so incredibly low nor guarantee that I’ll continue to make Ninja Energy Secrets (vol.1) available to the general public.
To those of you who decide to get Ninja Energy Secrets (vol.1) today, I congratulate you! Welcome to the world of the Shinobi Ninja Warrior-Healer!
The Ninja Doctor
Warning: You must be at least 18 years of age to purchase this product. In addition, the purchaser takes full responsibility for any and all consequences of using his or her newly developed abilities and powers. You can do both good and evil depending on your intention. Remember, the karmic forces you create are yours alone – and are real and unforgiving.
P.S. - The first 25 to order Ninja Energy Secrets (vol.1) will receive two 15-minute personal coaching phone calls with The Ninja Doctor to accelerate their progress. Don’t miss this $150 value!
P.P.S. - Those who order both Ninja Energy Secrets and Jungle Cat Flexibility will receive a copy of Journey to Your Center, at no additional cost (a $69 value).